On May 7, Golf Sainte Baume was honored to welcome the French Golf Federation’s (FFGolf) referee teams for the calculation of our course’s new calibration.

This procedure, essential to guarantee the fairness and accuracy of handicaps, was carried out with the utmost care by FFGolf experts.

Calibration of the course makes it possible to adjust the difficulty ratings by taking into account the specific characteristics of each hole, including distances, obstacles and playing configurations. This process ensures that every player, whatever their level, can enjoy a balanced and fair golfing experience.

We are delighted to inform you that the new calibration data is now available, offering optimized playing conditions and challenges for all golfers.

Following the various refurbishments to the course, it remains a PAR 72, hole 13 remains a PAR 4 even though it will be lengthened when the new green opens soon, hole 14 becomes a PAR 5 and hole 15 becomes a PAR 4.

We would like to thank the FFGolf for their professionalism and valuable contribution to the improvement of our course. We invite you all to come and test the new configurations and take advantage of this update to fine-tune your game.

See you soon on the greens of Golf Sainte Baume!