Official announcement of labeling for Golf Sainte Baume

The entire team is extremely pleased to announce that Golf Sainte Baume has officially been awarded the Bronze Label Golf pour la Biodiversité.

This label is awarded by a committee made up of representatives from the world of golf, sport, biodiversity and the environment, and certifies that Golf Sainte Baume knows, acts and raises awareness of biodiversity.

This recognition rewards all the years of work put in by the golf and Resonance Golf Collection teams. Following on from the ecological diagnosis carried out by the naturalist structure of the Parc Naturel Régional de la Sainte Baume, a multi-year action plan has been defined and implemented to encourage the preservation and development of biodiversity within the areas of the Sainte Baume Golf Club, particularly those off the course.

You may already have identified them on the course.


Here are a few concrete actions:

  • The creation and installation of insect nests, which we wanted to be as natural as possible. This provides shelter and refuge for insects, which help to conserve biodiversity, while at the same time acting as a formidable awareness-raising tool.
  • The planting of natural meadows around certain holes to encourage “ordinary” nature and wild grasses, so important for preserving biodiversity and wildlife in general.
  • Irrigation of rough areas has been stopped in compliance with the charter on the regulation of the use of water resources. The rough is an obstacle which is part of the game of golf, and at Golf Sainte Baume it is intrinsic to its environment.
Le Golf Sainte Baume reçoit le Label Bronze Golf pour la Biodiversité. - nid à insectes
Insect nest
Le Golf Sainte Baume reçoit le Label Bronze Golf pour la Biodiversité. - prairie
Planted meadow
Le Golf Sainte Baume reçoit le Label Bronze Golf pour la Biodiversité. - roughs
Natural roughs

In parallel with these management actions, an awareness-raising campaign has been carried out for the general public, notably through the educational panels set up at each tee to provide information on the course’s endemic flora and fauna.

This label is part of the Golf pour la Biodiversité (Golf for Biodiversity) program, a national program run by the FFGolf with the scientific and technical support of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, which aims to improve knowledge, management and conservation of biodiversity in golf areas, as well as raising awareness among golfers.

By taking part in this program, each golf course acquires a better understanding of its biodiversity and its areas, monitors its evolution over time, adapts its management practices and shares its experience with other golf courses that are also committed.

We would like to thank all our partners and customers for their support in setting up this project, a milestone in our daily commitment to the environment, and we invite golfers and non-golfers alike to come and discover the ecological wealth of our golf course at Nans Les Pins.